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Article Index

Source: "Ansearchin'" News, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Winter, 1981), pp. 159-163. No copyright infringement is intended by presenting this information here.

This information is very pertinent to Jefferson County because Greene was a parent county for much of present-day East Tennessee.

Transcribed from microfilm at the Tennessee State Library and Archives

A Copy of the List of Free Taxable Inhabitants of Greene County in the year 1805 as returned by James Patterson, Sheriff of Greene County.

David Adams
George Alexander
George Alexander
John Alexander
Stephen Alexander, Sr.
Stephen Alexander
Stephen Alexander
Thomas Alexander
Thomas Alexander
William Alexander
William Alexander, Sr.
William Alexander
William Alexander
Daniel Alinger
James Allen
John Allen
Joseph Allen
Robert Allen
Rubin Allen
David Allison
David Allison
Ewen Allison
John Allison
James Anderson
Rachel Anderson
William Anderson
George Andes
Thomas Antrim
Isaac Armitage
Alexander Armstrong
Daniel Armstrong
Joseph Babb
Philip Babb
Phillip Babb
Seth Babb
Thomas Babb
Thomas Babb
James Bailes
Solomon Bailes
Stephen Bailes
Claudius Bailey
James Bailey
John Bailey
David Bails
Christopher Baker
Isaac Baker, Senr
John Baker
Peter Baker
Hezekiah Balch
John Balch
Ezekiel Baldwin
Conrad Barnhart
John Bartley
James Baxter
Michael Baysinger
John Bell
John Bell, Jr.
William Bell
Eathern Bengey
John Bennett, Senr
John Bennett, Jr.
Bable Benson
Christian Bible
Christopher Bible
Philip Bible
John Biggs
Rubin Biggs
Thomas Billingsley
Jepthah Billingsly
Jacob Bird
James Bird
John Bird
John Bitner
Peter Bitserburgy
William Black
John Blackburn
Thomas Blackburn
Peter Bleak
John Boils
Rudolph Boo
Daniel Bordon
John Bowers
William Bowers
Daniel Bowman
Henry Bowman
Jacob Bowman
Jacob Bowman
Sperling Bowman
Sperling Bowman, Jr.
John Bowns
William Bratcher
William Bratcher
Phillip Brewer
Samuel Brewer
William Britten
John Brolles
Stephen Brooks
William Brotherton
Alexander Brown
Benjamin Brown
George Brown
George Brown
James Brown
John Brown
Jonathan Brown
Jonathan Brown
Joseph Brown
Maxwell Brown
Phillip Brown
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown
Thomas G. Brown
William Brown
Rodger Browning
Ezekial Broyles
Jerimiah Broyles
Matthias Broyles
Isaac Brumley
F. Burkhart
George Burkheart
Robert Burnett
Roberts Burns
Christian Busby
Claudius Buster
Samuel Caldwell
Thomas Caldwell
Valentine Callihan
John Cambell
James Campbell
Robert Campbell
James Carson
Robert Carson
Abraham Carter, Sr.
Caleb Carter
Daniel Carter
David Carter
David Carter
Ezekiel Carter
Hugh Carter
Isaac Carter
Jessee Carter
John Carter, Jr.
John Carter, Sn.
Joseph Carter
Levi Carter
Nathan Carter
John Casteel
Peter Casteel, Jr.
Peter Castle
Saymor Catching
Hugh Cavner
Phillip Chance
William Chandley
Walter Clark
Josiah Clawson
Malachi Click
Martin Click
Charles Coffin
Daniel Coffman
Loveal Coffman
Abraham Collet
John Collier
Thomas Collier
George Conway
Henry Conway
Jacob Cook
William Cooley
Christopher Cooper
Nathan Cooper
Anthony Copeland
David Copeland
David Copeland
David Copeland
James Copeland
John Copeland
James Cotter
John Cotter
Stephen Cotter
Danuel Coulee
Elijah Coulson
John Coulson
Matthew Cox
William Cox
Barnet Crabtree
Samuel Craig
John Crawford
Samuel Crawford
William Crawford
Daniel Cremer
George Crosby
William Crosby
Britain Cross
Henry Cross
Shadrack Cross
William Crumbley
Isaac Crump
Lewis Curington
Richard Curton
Thomas Curton

Robert Daniel
William David
David Davis
Harkins Davis
Isaac Davis
James Davis
James Davis
John Davis
John Davis
Jonathan Davis
Nathaniel Davis
Samuel Davis
Thomas Davis
Thomas Davis, Sr.
William Davis
Christian Dearstone
John Delaney
Leonard Dell
Zebeda Dennis
Thomas Denton
Samuel Denwody
William Dewoody
William Dickson
Garrett Dillen
James Dillon
Peter Dillon
William Dillon
Samuel Dinsmoore
James Dinwiddie
James Dinwiddie
Michael Dittimore
Andrew Dobbins
John Dobson
Joseph Dobson
Robert Dobson
Isariah Doby
John Dodd
William Dodd
Thomas Donica
Enoch Doty
Isaac Doty
Benjamin Drue
Joel Dryden
Alexander Dugger
Clairborne Dugger
David Dugger
Joseph Dugger
Jeremiah Dunkin
Joseph Dunkin
Daniel Dunn
Christian Dyke
Henry Dyke, Jr.
Henry Dyke, Sr.
Philip Eaker
Felix Earnest
Henry Earnest
Jacob Earnest
Lawrence Earnest
Peter Earnest
Philip Easterly
Solomon Edmondson
Samuel Edmundson
John Ellis
Samuel Ellis
Shobal Ellis
Thomas Ellis
William Ellis
George Ely
Andrew English
Leonard Ettleman
Even Evens, Sr.
Henry Evens
Jonathan Evens
Philip Everet
James Falls
Benjamin Farnsworth
David Farnsworth
George Farnsworth
Henry Farnsworth, Sr.
John Farnsworth
Robert Farnsworth
Jacob Fellow
Abraham Fellows
John Feuston
William Finley
J6seph Finney
John Foashee
William Ford
Martin Foster
Robert Foster
Andrew Fox
Adam Fraiker
Christian Fraiker
Frederick Fraiker
John Fraiker
Michael Fraiker
Alexander Frasier
Abner Frazier
David Frazier
Ezekial Frazier
Samuel Frazier
Thomas Frazier
Henry French
Jacob Friese
Michael Friese
Isaac Frisby
Josiah Frisby
John Frushour
John Fuston, Jr.
James Galbreaith
(Robert lined through) Andrew Gamble
John Gamble
Moses Gamble
Robert Gamble
Henry Garrett
Thomas Garrett
John Garvin
George Gass
James Gass
Joseph Gaston
John Gentry
John Gentry (sic)
James Gibson
John Gibson
William Gibson
James Glass
John Glass, Sr.
John Glass, Jr.
John Glasscock
William Goforth
George Gordon
John Gragg
George Graham
James Graham, Sr.
John Graham
Thomas Graham
William Graham
Abner Gray
Absolom Gray
David Gray
Edward Gray
Edward Gray
Jacob Gray
Robert Gray
Phillamore Green
Thomas Greene
William Greene
Evan Guin
Hugh Guin
James Guin
John Guin
Randolph Guin
Robert Guin
William Guin
Lazarus Gulley
Lewis Gulley
Lewis Gulley (sic)
David Gurtner
Michael Gurtner
James Guthrie
William Hankins
Harris H. Hutchison
Abraham Haines
Henry Hair
Philip Hale
Andrew Hall
John Hall
Nathaniel Hall
Robert Hall
William Hall, Gent.
William Hall, Jr.
Leonard Hames
James Hampton
Samuel Hannah
William Hannah
Chrisley Harmon
George Harmon
Isaac Harmon
Jacob Harmon
Peter Harmon, Sr.
Philip Harmon
Stephen Harmon
Thomas Harmon
George Harrison
William Harrison
Jeremiah Harrison
Isaiah Harrisson
Dennis Harty
Jacob Havely
Paulser Hawk
Absalem Haworth, Sr.
Absalom Haworth
James Haworth
James Haworth
David Hayes
James Hayes
James Hayes
Joseph Hayes
Nicholas Hayes
Robert Hayes
Henry Headrick
John Headrick
William Headrick, Sr.
Daniel Henderson
John Henderson
Joseph Henderson
Robert Henderson
Samuel Henderson
Jacob Hennegar
Samuel Hill
Andrew Hixson
Joseph Hixson
Timothy Hixson
William Hixson
Anthony Hoggatt
William Holloway
Barrott Holt
David Holt
Abraham Hood
Nathaniel Hood
William Hood
William Hooper
John Horton
James Houston
William Houston
Christopher Houts
Ezekial Howard
Absolom Howath
Phillip Howel
Jacob Hoyal
Leonard Huff
Andrew Huffman
Jesse Huffman
David Huffstadler
James Hughes
John Hughes
John Hull (Hall?)
Eden Humbard
Christian Hunsley
John Hunter
Thomas Hunter
Abraham Hurst
Elijah Hurst
George Hutchison
David Hutson
Robert Hutson
Thomas Hutson
William Hutson

John Ingram
Benjamin Ishmael
Thomas Ishmael
James J. Wilson
Daniel Jackson
Vincent Jackson
Benjamin Jameson
George Jameson
Robert Jameson
Francis Johnston
Harrison Johnston
Isaac Johnston
Jacob Johnston
James Johnston
Jesse Johnston
Joseph Johnston
Moses Johnston
Robert Johnston
Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
William Johnston
A. Jones
Crafford Jones
Ebbin Jones, Jr.
Evan Jones, Senr
George Jones
Isaac Jones
James Jones
James Jones
John Jones
John Jones
John Jones, Sr.
Phineas Jones
Thomas Jones
Isaac Justis
Thomas Justis
James Kallemon
Adam Kauble
Michael Kauble
James Keel
John Keel
John Keel, Jr.
William Keel
Daniel Kellar
Henry Kellar
David Keller
John Keller
Anthony Kelly
James Kelly
James Kelly
John Kelly, Jr.
William Kelly
Alexander Kelsey
John Kelsey, Sr.
John Kennedy
Thomas Kennedy
James Kenney
John Kerbough
Christopher Kerby
Daniel Kerby
Richard Kerr
John Kesterson
David Key
John Key
John Kifer
Henry Killdea
John Killdea
Charles Killgore
William Killgore
Conrad Kimes
Joseph Kimmons
Samuel King
John Kirk, Sn.
Joseph Kiser
Jacob Kyle
John Kyle
James Loyd
John Lackland
Joseph Lackland
Samuel Lain
James Laird
Thomas Lamb
Young Landrum
Charles Lane
Dutton Lane
Dutton Lane, Jr.
Ephraim Lane
John Lane
Jeremiah Laney
Christopher Laughiner
John Ledgerwood
Martin Lentz
John Lescolleet
William Likens
Daniel Linebough
Jacob Linebough & sons
Jacob Linebough
John Linebough
Jacob Linginfelter
Jessee Linsey
John Litler
David Logan
Henry Long
John Long
John Long
Nicholas Long
William Long
Christopher Lotspeich
John Lotspeich
John Love
Thomas Love
Zachariah Loveall
Charles Lowrey
Abel Loyd
Frethias Loyd
James Loyd
John Loyd
Robertson Loyd
Thomas Loyd
Andrew Luckey
James Luckey
Edward Luster
John Macklin
John Macky
William Madcap
David Malick
John Malone
William Malone
Hugh Maloney
John Maloney
Robert Maloney
James Maloy
Henry Mantooth
James Marrow
Gravener Marsh
Abraham Marshall
Anny Martin
James Matthias
William Matthias
Charles Mayberry
Alexander McAlpin
James McAmis
James McAmis
John McAmis
Thomas McAmis
William McAmis
Israel McBee
Martin McBride
William McBride
Henry McBroom
William McBroom
Peter McCain
Daniel McClellin
John McCollum
Thomas McCollum
Thomas McCollum
William McCormick
Daniel McCoy
Joseph McCullough
Samuel McCullough
Thomas McCullough
William McCullough (sic)
William McCullough
James McCurry
John McCurty
William McDonald
Andrew McFarland
Benjamin McGahon
William McGahee
John McGeehon
Charles McGill
Robert McGill
Samuel McGill
William McGill
Samuel McKeny
Daniel McKoy
John McMacken
James McMurtry
Isiah McNees
William McNees
Elijah McNew
Shadrack McNew
William McNew
Benjamin McNutt
James McPheran
John McPheran
William McPheran
William McPheran
Henry Miers
John Miers
Michael Miers
Samuel Miiilgan (sic)
David Milburn
Jonathan Milburn
William Milburn
Abraham Miller
Jacob Miller
John Miller
William Miller
John Mismer
John Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell
William Mitchell
William Moiers, Jr.
Anthony Moore
David Moore
James Moore
James Moore
James Moore
James Moore, Jr.
John Moore
John Moore
Levi Moore
Moses Moore
William Moore, Sr.
Zadok Moore
Jonathan Moreland
Henry Morris
James Morrison
John Morriss
Maurice Morriss
John Morrow
Jessee Mosley
Adam Moyers
George Moyers
Thomas Murphey
Thomas Murray
Michael Myars
Own (sic) Mycelf (sic)

John Neese
Michael Neese
Michael Neese
Benjamin Neil
James Neil
William Neil
George Neilson
Hugh Neilson
John Neise
Alexander Newberry
James Newberry
John Newberry
Aaron Newman
John Newman
Garbriel North
James Oliphant
John Oliphant
Thomas Oliphant
John Oren
Augustin P. Ford
Adam Painter
John Painter
Benjamin Parker
William Parker
David Parkins
John Parks
Giles Parman
Thomas Parthar
James Patterson
James Patterson, Sr.
Nathanial Patterson
William Patterson
Valentine Pauley
David Paulsell
Jacob Paysinger
James Pearce
Richard Pearce
Thomas Peel
James Penney
Thomas Perry
Abraham Peters
George Phann
John Phann
Phillip Phann
Gabrial Philips
Benjamin Pickering
Ellis Pickering
Enos Pickering
Samuel Pickering
Daniel Pierce
George Pierce
John Pierce
John Pogue
Patrick Powers
Reese Prathar
James Pratt
William Pratt
Alexander Prethers
Derby Ragan
John Ragan, Jr.
John Ragan
Enos Rambough
James Ramsey
John Ramsey
Samuel Ramsey
William Ramsey
Isham Randolph
Peyton Randolph
Thomas Randolph
David Rankin
Robert Rankin
William Rankin
Asahel Rawlings
Asahel Rawlings
Frederick Reasor
Solomon Reese
Jacob Reesor
Moses Reeves
William Reeves
Francis Register
John Reid
James Reynolds
Joseph Reynolds
Samuel Rhea
David Rice
John Richmond
Peter Rickey
George Rinker
Thomas Ripley
James Robertson
John Robertson
John Robertson
David Robinson
James Robinson
Thomas Robinson
James Rodgers, Sr.
John Rodgers, Jr.
John Rodgers
Samuel Rogers
Benjamin Rose
John Ross
Patrick Ross
William Ross
Paulser Rubble
Lewis Rue
Jessee Rufh (sic)
Alexander Russell
Hezekiah Russell
Robert Russell
Samuel Russell
Thomas Russell
Ellet Rutherford
Griffith Rutherford
James Rutlege
John Ryan
David Sample
Robert Samples
James Scott
Julius Scruggs
Richard Scruggs
Thomas Self
Valentine Sevier
Frederick Shaffer
Holden Shanks
William Shannon
John Shaw
James Shelly
Abraham Sherrill
Isaac Sherrill
George Shields
Henry Shields
James Shields
James Shields
Thomas Shields, Jr.
William Shields
John Simpson
Ephraim Skiles
William Skiles
Author Sloan
Daniel Small
Phillip Smathers
Adam Smelser
Robert Smiley
Abraham Smith
Charles Smith
Cornelius Smith
Daniel Smith
Frederick Smith
H. Smith
Jacob Smith
James Smith
Jeremiah Smith
Jeremiah Smith
John Smith
Philip Smith
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Sebastian Smith
William Smith
William Smith
Frederick Souder
Jacob Souder
Thomas Southerland
Nicholas Spring
Ezekiel Stanberry
John Standfield
Samuel Standfield
Thomas Standfield
Thomas Standfield, Jr.
Thomas Starnes
James Steel
Andrew Stephens
James Stinson
John Stinson
John Stinson
Thomas Stockston
Abosolom (sic) Stonecypher
Solomon Stonecypher
Henry Stonesypher
Edmund Strange
Benjamin Stuart
Robert Stuart
Lewis Stulk
Thomas Stumbert
William Styles
Henry Surbor
Jacob Surbor
Samuel Sutton
Leonard Symons
David Tate
Jacob Teel
James Temple
John Temple
Josiah Temple
Major Temple
Thomas Temple
William Temple
Absolom Templeton
George Thompson
Henry Thompson
James Thompson
John Thompson
Thomas Thompson
John Thornton
Joseph Todhunter
James Trim
Frederick Trobough
Henry Trobough
Nicholas Trobough
John Troy
Jesse Willis
Stephen Tunnell
William Tunnell
John Uttinzer
Samuel Vance
Benjamin Vanpelt
Joseph Vanpelt
John Vansandt
Samuel Varner
George W. Woods
Hezekiah W. Balch
Anderson Walker
Daniel Walker
Isaac Walker
James Walker
James Walker
John Walker
Pernell Walker
Thomas Walker
William Wall
William Waltson
Thomas Warren
Thomas Watson
William Wattson
George Weems
James Weems
John Weems & 2 sons
John Weems, Sr.
William Weems
William West
Joseph Weston
Simon Weston
Thomas Whennery
Abraham White
Bloomer White
Henry White
Jacob White
James White
John White
Nathan White
Samuel White
Thomas White
William White
John Whitehead
Solomon Wilhoit
John Willer
Abraham Williams
Alexander Williams
Benjamin Williams
Benjamin Williams
H. Williams
Henry Williams
John Williams
Thomas Williams
Adam Wilson
Alexander Wilson
Alexander Wilson
David Wilson
David Wilson
Ephriam Wilson
James Wilson
John Wilson
John Wilson, Sen.
John Wilson
Robert Wilson
Thomas Wilson, Jr.
Thomas Wilson
William Wilson
William Wilson
William Wilson
Christopher Winters
James Witherspoon
John Wolliver
Michael Woods
John Woolsey
Stephen Woolsey
William Woolsey
James Wright
James Wright
Jesse Wright
Joseph Wright
Solomon Wyatt
Thomas Wyatt
Thomas Wyatt
Robert Wyly
Samuel Y. Balch
Henry Yeakley
Benjamin Yeates
John Yerrick
John Young

A true number of the free Taxable Inhabitants of Greene County for the year 1805 taken by me Jas Patterson, Shff

A copy Teste Val Sevier, Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Greene County.

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