August 5, 1797 - November 9, 1799
(p. 9)
One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Seven
Aug the 5th 1797 - being the first Church meeting on Dumplin Creek waters Church proceeds as follows - first agrees & appoints Br. Early Albertson Clerk for this Church - secondly appoints brother John Cate Junior to attend the general Association with a Church letter - thirdly unanimously make choice of br. John Cate Junior for one deacon in their church & appoints meeting Monthly the second Saturday.
September the 9th 1797 - the church meets in Course & proceeds thus to make choice of Bro. Albertson for Moderator -2nd- to consider a report made by letter from a Sister Church by Rch. Condra a member of that Church against br. John Cate Sr. In our Church the result is to write to Br. Condra to support the charge made against the sd. br. Cate.
October the 14th 1797 - the Church meets in Course & proceeded 1st to enquire into the Churches fellowship & make it a rule so to do henceforth - 2ndly to consider further into the matter between br. Condra & br. Cate repecting the matter before mentioned the results is to write a second letter to our sister Church.
November 11th 1797 - Church proceeds - not in any business by some being absent.
(p. 10)
December1797 - December monthly meeting the same.
13 Jan 1798 - the Church proceeds to business. Concerning br. Condra & brother Cate after some discourse we lay the matter over for further testimony. 2ndly - the Church is still unanimous in the choice of a deacon & appoints the time of ordination & Calls br. Richard & br. Duke Kimbrough for sd. work to be on our next monthly meeting.
February 10th 1798 - the Church meets & proceeds to business - 1st to consider the above appointment which becomes Disappointed on the account of br. John Cate Sen. & br. James Mainer Concerning the plan our last Association fell upon for ordaining of Ministers by which the matter Lays over till next meeting.
March the 10th 1798 - the same dissatisfaction with br. Cate & br. Mainer Causes the matter to be laid over.
Apr 14th 1798 - the Church meets br. Cates being absent the matter still laid over till next Monthly meeting. Early Albertson-
May the 12th 1798 - being meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows to Consider the former disagreement about the Association - Plan for ordination of Ministers being still divided the matter is laid over till next meeting.
Jun the 9th 1798 - being the time of meeting disappointed by wet weather &c.
(p. 11)
July 14th 1798 - the Church meets & proceeds thus to Read and Consider a letter sent to our Church from Long Island Ferry meeting concerning an ould debate between Br. Condra a member of that Church and br. John Cate Sr. of our Church the result is to write a letter to that Church also to Consider the former Disagreement Concerning the ordination of Ministers according to the Association plan the Matter lays over till next Monthly meeting.
September the 7th 1798 -- being Monthly meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows -- 1st. receives br. Fears & br. Wood & others with them to set in business with us & the Church after much Engagement and Labour has to Excommunicate Br. John Cate Sr. & James Mainer from the union of this Church Secondly to give a letter of dismission from this Church to be John Taylor & his wife & the above Excommunicated persons is for Confessing themselves out of Union with this Church concerning the Association -- plan on the way of ordaining Minister's.
October the 13th 1798 -- Monthly
meeting in Course proceeds as follows -- 1st. to read & consider a letter
sent from a sister church at Long Island from Holston by several brethren belonging
that Church in order to give a full statement, (p. 12) of the matter from
which the Disagreement Arose by which matters appears Clear with respect to our
Church and our Church also concerning Br. Condra & John Cate Sen. on account
of some disagreement between them formerly Considering sd. Condra Clear in the
We further consider John Cate Junior our choice for
deacon for the Church Appoints time of ordination next
meeting in Course & calls Br. Richard Wood and Duke
Kimbrough to sd. work & also br. James Mainer
received again into our Union.
November the 9th 1798 -- being friday being a time appointed for the ordination of a deacon. A Sacrament -- the Church proceeds as follows to acknowledge their union in the choice of a deacon & also ordains sd. deacon.
December 1798 Monthly meeting -- measureably disappointed.
January the 12th 1799 -- the Church meets & proceeds as follows to write a letter of dismition for John Cate.
February the 8th 1799 -- Church meeting in Course proceeds thus to appoint A sacrament in March -- 2nd. Saturday Monthly meeting & Sacrament the day following &c.
(p. 13)
April the 2nd 1799 -- Saturday meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows -- 1st. Agrees to give Sister Romines a letter of dismition.
June 8th 1799 -- Church meeting
in Course proceeds to business -- Receives brother Jer.
Shelly by letter into our fellowship & appoints Sacrament
in September & Makes choice of br. J. Shelly & Br.
J. Cate to attend the Association with our Church letter
held in August 1799.
July 13th 1799 -- being Monthly
meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows to
appoint br. John Cate & Br. Jerh. Shelly to attend
the Association with our Church letter at the time
of our meeting in August.
September 1799 -- meeting in Course being the time of our Sacrament.
October the 12th 1799 -- being meeting in Course the Church Receives a request from a sister Church to send help in a matter of Difficulty -- the Church sends or appoints brethren accordingly. Br. John Cate Sr. Br John Cate Sr. Br. James Mainer.
November the 9th 1799 -- the Church proceeds to business as follows -- the Minister of the Association Read & approved also grants a letter of Dismission for Early Albertson & his wife Elizabeth to be assigned by Br. Shelly in behalf of the whole.