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Article Index

Records of Jefferson County
Dumplin Baptist Church Minutes

1797 - 1860
Prepared by
The Historical Records Survey
Transcription Unit
Division of Professional and Services Projects
Works Projects Administration
July 28, 1930

Transcribed from the WPA Typescript and Submitted by Al Baumbach

Research Tip:  This is posted (with extraordinary thanks to Al) as a finding aid.  It is a transcription of a transcription.  Even the most diligent transcriber is subject to error, so it is imperative that you consult the original document.

Index to Part Numbers

Part 1 July 30, 1797 / Constitution / Member Lists
Part 2 August 5, 1797 - November 9, 1799
Part 3 February 8, 1800 - December 10, 1803
Part 4 January 14, 1804 - December, 1806
Part 5 January 10, 1807 - December 9, 1809
Part 6 January 13, 1810 - January, 1813
Part 7 February 13, 1813 - December, 1815
Part 8 January 13, 1816 - December12, 1818
Part 9 January 9, 1819 - December 12, 1821
Part 10 January 12, 1822 - December, 1824
Part 11 January 1, 1825 - December 1, 1827
Part 12 January, 1828 - December, 1830
Part 13 January 8, 1831 - December 25, 1833
Part 14 January, 1834 - December 10, 1836
Part 15 January 14, 1837 - December 7, 1839
Part 16 List of Names Since September, 1839, Meeting
Part 17 January 4, 1840 - December, 1842
Part 18 January 7, 1843 - December 1, 1845
Part 19 January 1, 1846 - December, 1848
Part 20 January 27, 1849 - December 7, 1851
Part 21 January 3, 1852 - December 2, 1854
Part 22 January 6, 1855 - December 5, 1857
Part 23 January 2, 1858 - September 2, 1860
Part 24 List of Names Dated 1859

July 30, 1797 / Constitution / Member Lists

Constitution -- C. C.

July the 30th. 1797 -- Jefferson County.

About Dumplin Creek we the Baptist Church of Christ believing it to be our duty to pay a true regard to the Law of Love & gospel, ordinances Instituted & Commanded in God's holy word for the better Regulation of our Conduct towards God and each other sollemly promise by the assistance of the holy spirit the serious regard to the following particulars, first to strive together for the truth of the gospel and the purity of gospel institutions desiring for the grace of God to live and die in the faith of God's Elect, serious adhearing to the glorious Doctrines of grace such as effectual calling by the Holy Ghost, jurisdiction by the Imputed righteousness of Christ's sanctification by the Grace of God, Imparted the final perseverance of the saints in grace, water baptism by immersion to such and only such as profess their faith in Christ, professing to walk in newness of life -- 3rd -- believing that their will be a resurrection of the dead of the just and unjust and that the resurrection of the just will be to everlasting happiness.

(p. 2) And the resurrection of the unjust will be to Everlasting misery. 4thly -- We promise also to take the holy scripture of the old & new testament which we believe to be the written word of God for our rule & guide & in particular with Respect to Church government, keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace, bearing with one anothers weakness and not willingly suffer sin to be upon a brother but deal with him as follows for private trepasses agreeable to our lords directions in Matthew the 18th Ch. 15th, 16th, 17th verses and for public transgressions a publicsatsifaction as becometh those who give themselves up to the Lord & one another to walk in Church fellowship -- We promise to endeavour to suport the worship of God in the word and ordinances & to wach over one another in love and solomly to renounce all evil words and actions, foolish talk, jesting all lightness & behaviour, profain swearing, business, lying, malicious anger, Extortion & fraud of every kind, Covetousness, drinking and keeping evil Company and to abstain from sinful whispering, backbiting, all wilful hypocrisy & dishonesty, all excess or superfluity to the gratification of pride & also Desist from gaming, wagering, singing of Carnal songs & all Carnal Myrth, fidling, dancing & vain recreation & all sinful contentions & not wink at the disorder of any under our care but prudently use the Rod of Correction when necessary & not neglect family devotion -- We are to mind our own business and not

(p. 3) Indulge Sloth nor will we go to law with each other & if God should bestow on any of us Ministerial gifts we promise not to hide them nor exercise them publicly without the approbation of the Church, we do therefore desire to give up ourselves to the Lord and one another to walk in humility in the Command & ordinances of the lord, all the days of our lives and for acceptance of the last we desire to depend entirely and alone on the virtue & spotless Righteousness of our adorable & Divine redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Names of Men.

John Cate -- Seener -- Exc.Wm. CateExc.
John Cate Exc.The black brother --Exc.
John Cate Jr. Exc.Joshua Newman Dis.
Peter Lorance Dis.Wm. Mount Dis.
Charles Cate Jr. Dis.Humphrey Mount Dis.
John Hickman Exc.Isaac Cantrell Dis.
Isaac Newman Jr.John F. Henderson Dis.
Isaac Newman Sr. Dis.Mattias Teag Dis.
Thomas Jones Exc.Wm. Burnet Dis.
Joseph Sullins Dis.John Burnet Dis.
Shadrach Prewet Dis.Nathan Burnet Dis.
Charles Kelley Sr. Dis.Black Cyah Dis.
Jacob Elder Dis.Moses Long Dis.
Chas. Kelley Jr. Dis.Joseph Bell Exc.
Robt. Newman Dis.Noah Cate Dis.
Wm. Weaver Exc.Oby Gibbs
Elisha CateAnderson Skiens Dis
John Richards Exc.Moses Frence
John Elder Exc.Elvin Joiner
William Hammons Dis.Caleb Cannon
Samuel Miller Dis.Caleb Cannon
Robert Elder Dis.Elijah Cate
Wm. Elder Exc.Shadrach Manard
Wm. Ellis Exc.Charles Elder
Jeremiah Lorance Dec'd.Jos. McFarlin Exc.
Wm. Lorance Dis.David Bettis
Benj. Neal Dis.Clemon Sanders Exc.
Isaac Neals Exc.John Travillian Dis.
Simon French 
(p. 4) 
John Clinkingbeard Exc.Rheubin Baker Dis.
Samuel Elder Dis.Richard Thornburgh Dis.
John Mount Dis.Thomas Kelley Dis.
Aaron Cate Exc.Jas. G. Newman Dis.
Charles Kelly Dec'd.Sam Langston
James Carmon Dis.Wm. Ellis Exc.
John M. Lockhart Dis.Moses Barnes Dis.
William Hammons Exc.Robert Kelley
Manning Summers Jr. Dis.G. W. Campbell Dis.
Manning Summers Sr. Dis.H. Mount Jr.
John NewmanJames Langston Dis.
John L. NewmanHenry Vandike
Wm. King Dis.John Linsey Sr.
John Sellers Dis.Hiram Travillian
Samuel NewmanAhaz Bryan
C. W. B. Cate Dis. 
(p. 5) BLANK 
(p. 6) 

Names of Women.

Winney CarterMargit Rimmonton Dis.
Ann Hammons Dis.Susanna Mount Dec'd.
Sarah Witt Dis.Rebecca Elder Dis.
Nancy Elder Exc.Sarah Cate Sr. Dis.
Nancy Richards Dis.Sarah Cate Jr. Exc.
Nancy Cates Exc.Amos Cate Exc.
Easter Widner Exc.Lucy Cate Exc.
Caty Davis Dec'd.Sarah Newman Dis.
Letty Cate Exc.Mary Carter Dis.
Sarah Witt Sr. Dis.Elizabeth Cate Exc.
Sarah Witt Jr. Dis.Ann Carmon Dis.
Sarah Elder Dis.Nancy Kelley Dis.
Elizabeth Ferrell Dis.Margrit Grissom Dis.
Sarah Cates Dis.Nancy Richards Dis.
Margrit Crocket Dis.Isabel Robartson Dis.
Eliz. Kimbrough Dis.Betsey Lenning
Elizabeth Neal Dis.Hannah Elder Exc.
Mary Cates Dis.Polly Stevenson Dis.
Mary Cates Dec'd.Sarah Larrance
Mary Laurrance Dec'd.Susanna Cate Exc.
Delila Manard Exc.Rebecah Cate Exc.
Mary Cate Dis.Rebecah Richards Dis.
Susana Mount Dis.Nancy Jones
Lucy Lorance Dis.Pheby Elder Dis.
Mary Routh Dis.Lydia Wilson Dis.
The Black Sister Bety Dec'd.Margrit Mount Sr.
Prissilah Coons Dis.Rachel Davis Dis.
Elizabeth BarnesElizabeth Elder Dis.
Mourning Witt Dis.Elizabeth Newman Dis.
Salla NewmanElizabeth Joiner Dis.
Patcy Witt Dis.Nancy Kelly Dis.
Lucy Laurrance Dis.Sophia Gillilian Exc.
(p. 7) 
Margrets Cate Dis.Margaret Thornburgh Exc.
Ellender Sellers Dis.Huldah French
Rachel CateSarah Bailey
Casindra Cantrel Dis.Martha Sellers Dis.
Doshy Burnet Dis.Penny Haddock Dis.
Elizabeth Long Dis.Mary Coppock
Hannah Moore Dis.Mary Thomas
Polly Campbell Exc.Nancy Brooks Dis.
Sarah Ledbetter Dis.Levina Cate Dis.
Mary Cate Jr. Exc.Lucretia Bales Dis.
Judith Skeene Dis.Delila Manard Dis.
Sally FrenchMalinda Lockhert Dis.
Newman's Betty Exc.Susanna Gillelan Dis.
Anna Henry Dis.Anna King Dis.
Nancy Bettis Dis.Polly French Dec'd
Elizabeth Mc farlin Exc.Priscilla Coppock Dec'd
Susannah Cate Dis.Katharine Mc Cormack Dec'd
Catharine Manard Dis.Eleanor Newman
Ruthy French Exc.Susannah Alderson
Newman's Fan Exc.Fanny Langston
Eliz. M. Newman Dis.Isabel Rankin
Margaret Elder Dis.Margaret Cate Dis.
Elizabeth Douglass Dis.Eliz. Travillian
Sarah Kelley Dis.Margaret Mount
Synthy Kelly Exc.Ellonor Campbell Dis.
Sally Lockhart Dis.Jane Hodges
Martha MountLavisa Langston Dis.
Susanah Putnam Dis.Lucy Vandike
Sarah Kelly 
(p. 8) 

Names of Women.

1 -- Nancy Kelly31 -- Elizabeth Travillian
2 -- Rebecca Kelly32 -- Elenor Campbell Dis.
3 -- Winny Carter33 --Sally Lockhart Dis.
4 --Mary Cate34 -- Jane Hodges
5 --Rachel Cate35 --Martha Mount
6 --Cassindra French36 --Alzira Mount
7 --Elizabeth Hederick37 --Levica Langston Dis.
8 --Sally Bishop38 -- Lucy Vandike
9 --Nancy Jones39 --Sarah Kelly
10 --Polly Campbell Exc.40 --Nancy Kelly
11 --Sally French41 --Sarah Cate Dis.
12 --Nancy Bettis42 --Nancy Langston
13 --Newman's Fanny Lottica Cate
14 --Elizabeth Elder Elizabeth Manard
15 --Elizabeth Joiner Millison Hadick
16 --Huldah French Amy French
17 --Sally Cate Ruthy Rollens
18 --Marthy Sellers Jane Hickman
19 --Penny Haddock Cinthy Cate
20 --Mary Coppock Marthy Underwood
21 --Mary Thomas Mary Hickman
22 --Delila Manard Edy Joiner
23 --Susannah Gilliland Hanner Travillian
24 --Polly Cate -- Michael's wife  
25 --Priscilla Coppock Dis.  
26 --K. Mc Cormick  
27 --Elenor Newman  
28 --Susannah Alderson  
29 --Fanny Langston  
30 --Isabel Rankin Dis.  

August 5, 1797 - November 9, 1799

(p. 9)

One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Seven

Aug the 5th 1797 - being the first Church meeting on Dumplin Creek waters Church proceeds as follows - first agrees & appoints Br. Early Albertson Clerk for this Church - secondly appoints brother John Cate Junior to attend the general Association with a Church letter - thirdly unanimously make choice of br. John Cate Junior for one deacon in their church & appoints meeting Monthly the second Saturday.

September the 9th 1797 - the church meets in Course & proceeds thus to make choice of Bro. Albertson for Moderator -2nd- to consider a report made by letter from a Sister Church by Rch. Condra a member of that Church against br. John Cate Sr. In our Church the result is to write to Br. Condra to support the charge made against the sd. br. Cate.

October the 14th 1797 - the Church meets in Course & proceeded 1st to enquire into the Churches fellowship & make it a rule so to do henceforth - 2ndly to consider further into the matter between br. Condra & br. Cate repecting the matter before mentioned the results is to write a second letter to our sister Church.

November 11th 1797 - Church proceeds - not in any business by some being absent.

(p. 10)

December1797 - December monthly meeting the same.

13 Jan 1798 - the Church proceeds to business. Concerning br. Condra & brother Cate after some discourse we lay the matter over for further testimony. 2ndly - the Church is still unanimous in the choice of a deacon & appoints the time of ordination & Calls br. Richard & br. Duke Kimbrough for sd. work to be on our next monthly meeting.

February 10th 1798 - the Church meets & proceeds to business - 1st to consider the above appointment which becomes Disappointed on the account of br. John Cate Sen. & br. James Mainer Concerning the plan our last Association fell upon for ordaining of Ministers by which the matter Lays over till next meeting.

March the 10th 1798 - the same dissatisfaction with br. Cate & br. Mainer Causes the matter to be laid over.

Apr 14th 1798 - the Church meets br. Cates being absent the matter still laid over till next Monthly meeting. Early Albertson-

May the 12th 1798 - being meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows to Consider the former disagreement about the Association - Plan for ordination of Ministers being still divided the matter is laid over till next meeting.

Jun the 9th 1798 - being the time of meeting disappointed by wet weather &c.

(p. 11)

July 14th 1798 - the Church meets & proceeds thus to Read and Consider a letter sent to our Church from Long Island Ferry meeting concerning an ould debate between Br. Condra a member of that Church and br. John Cate Sr. of our Church the result is to write a letter to that Church also to Consider the former Disagreement Concerning the ordination of Ministers according to the Association plan the Matter lays over till next Monthly meeting.

September the 7th 1798 -- being Monthly meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows -- 1st. receives br. Fears & br. Wood & others with them to set in business with us & the Church after much Engagement and Labour has to Excommunicate Br. John Cate Sr. & James Mainer from the union of this Church Secondly to give a letter of dismission from this Church to be John Taylor & his wife & the above Excommunicated persons is for Confessing themselves out of Union with this Church concerning the Association -- plan on the way of ordaining Minister's.

October the 13th 1798 -- Monthly meeting in Course proceeds as follows -- 1st. to read & consider a letter sent from a sister church at Long Island from Holston by several brethren belonging to that Church in order to give a full statement, (p. 12) of the matter from which the Disagreement Arose by which matters appears Clear with respect to our sister Church and our Church also concerning Br. Condra & John Cate Sen. on account of some disagreement between them formerly Considering sd. Condra Clear in the before Mentioned.
We further consider John Cate Junior our choice for deacon for the Church Appoints time of ordination next meeting in Course & calls Br. Richard Wood and Duke Kimbrough to sd. work & also br. James Mainer received again into our Union.

November the 9th 1798 -- being friday being a time appointed for the ordination of a deacon. A Sacrament -- the Church proceeds as follows to acknowledge their union in the choice of a deacon & also ordains sd. deacon.

December 1798 Monthly meeting -- measureably disappointed.

January the 12th 1799 -- the Church meets & proceeds as follows to write a letter of dismition for John Cate.

February the 8th 1799 -- Church meeting in Course proceeds thus to appoint A sacrament in March -- 2nd. Saturday Monthly meeting & Sacrament the day following &c.

(p. 13)

April the 2nd 1799 -- Saturday meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows -- 1st. Agrees to give Sister Romines a letter of dismition.

June 8th 1799 -- Church meeting in Course proceeds to business -- Receives brother Jer. Shelly by letter into our fellowship & appoints Sacrament in September & Makes choice of br. J. Shelly & Br. J. Cate to attend the Association with our Church letter held in August 1799.
July 13th 1799 -- being Monthly meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows to appoint br. John Cate & Br. Jerh. Shelly to attend the Association with our Church letter at the time of our meeting in August.

September 1799 -- meeting in Course being the time of our Sacrament.

October the 12th 1799 -- being meeting in Course the Church Receives a request from a sister Church to send help in a matter of Difficulty -- the Church sends or appoints brethren accordingly. Br. John Cate Sr. Br John Cate Sr. Br. James Mainer.

November the 9th 1799 -- the Church proceeds to business as follows -- the Minister of the Association Read & approved also grants a letter of Dismission for Early Albertson & his wife Elizabeth to be assigned by Br. Shelly in behalf of the whole.

February 8, 1800 - December 10, 1803

(p. 14)

February the 8th 1800 -- being Monthly meeting in Course the Church proceeds as follows and considers how much we neglect our Respective Church meetings & for a Rule amongst any member failing to attend must give their reason why they do not.

April 12th 1800 -- being meeting in Course.

May the 10th 1800 -- being meeting in Course.

June the 14th 1800 -- the Church met being meeting in Course & proceeds to business & appoints Jer. Shelly & John Cate Sen. to attend our next Association to be held the second friday in August at Richland meeting house Grainger County and Appoint Br. Jr. Shelly to write our Church letter to the Association & being the same for our next meeting.

July the 12th 1800 -- Church met it being meeting in Course & proceeded to business -- first appoints Jer. Shelly Clerk for our meeting -- 2nd. by our Church letter being read & approved 3rd. By a dore of admition being open & received -- Lucy Cate by Letter -- 4th our next Communion to held 2nd.Saturday in September.

September the 12th 1800 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course proceeded to business -- 1st. Queary is it a duty incombent on the Church of Christ for Christians to wash each others feet in submition to Christ Example left to our next meeting to answer. (p. 15) 2nd. Queary -- is it a duty to observe fasting & what to abstain from -- Laid over to our next -- Appointed that from this time the Church meet by 11 o'clock.

October the 10th 1800 -- the Church met, it being meeting in Course & proceeded to take up the Reference Concerning the Duty of washing of feet in the Church answer -- Wee believe it is Duty & that we appoint it to be done on Saturday before our Communion -- 2nd. Concerning fasting we believe it to be duty to fast to avert some threatened Calamity or to implore God's blessing & pardon for past sins & strength for days to come.

November the 8th 1800 -- Church met it being meeting in Course & opened the same by singing & prayer.

December 1800 -- meeting being disappointed.

January the 10th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course -- opened the same by singing & prayer.

February the 14th 1801 -- the church met it being meeting in Course & opened the same by singing & prayer.

March the 14th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course & proceeds -- grants br. James Mainer a letter for him and his wife & Sister Delilah Manard given satisfaction for the charge against her & granted a Letter -- Sacrament appointed the 2nd. Saturday & Sunday in April.

April 10th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course.

(p. 16)

May the 9th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course.

June the 13th 1801 -- Church met it being meeting in Course Received by Br. Chas. Cate by experience.

July 11th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course -- 1st. Chose br. John Cate & John Tyler Deligates to the Association -- 2nd. Br. John Cate to write the letter to the Association -- 3rd. Received Sister Mary Routh by Experience.

August the 8th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course the Letter to the Association read & Approved.

September the 12th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course -- Church proceeds & acknowledges their fault Concerning John Cate Sr. & Br. Richard Condra of long Islant and consider that Act to remain void & of know affect & to inform the Sister Church as long Islant By writing a letter to inform then of the matter.

October the 10th 1801 -- it being meeting in Course -- 1st. We consider not to write to the Sister Church but to Let the matter ly.

November the 14th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course.

(p. 17)

December the 12th 1801 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course.

January 1802 -- Meeting Diappointed.

February the 13th 1802 -- the Church met it being meating in Corse.

March the 13th 1802 -- the Church met it being meeting in Corse. -- Recd brother Stephen Colyear by Experiance.

April 10th 1802 -- the Church met it being meeting in Course -- 1st. Appoints Sister Mary Cate & Sister Mary Laurance to taulk with Sister Carter and to know what keeps hir from atending Church meeting -- 2nd. Sacrament meeting apinted in June Second Saturday & Sunday.

May 8th 1802 -- the Church met it being meeting in Corse -- Sister Carter came forward and gave hir Reason for Neglect of Commen to Church meeting.

June 11th 1802 -- the Church met it being meeting in Corse -- 1st. Chose Brethren to attend the Association -- Brother Colyear & Br. John Cate Jr. 2nd. Apointed Br. John Cate Jr. to write the Churches Letter to the Association against next meeting.

(p. 18)

July 10th 1802 -- the Church met it being meeting in Corse. 1 -- Read Sister Lucy Jones by Letter -- 2 -- Rec'd Sister Rody Paton by Experience. 3rd. Rec'd Sister Mary Queen by Experance -- 4 -- Rec'd Sister Alle Russell by Experance. 5th -- Rec'd Br. Wm. Cate by Experance. 6th Rec'd Sr. Prissillah Coons by Experance -- 7- Rec'd Br. Wm. Chambers By Experiance -- 8 -- Rec'd Sister Dorety Chambers by Experiance - 9 - the members rec'd before is Baptised -- Br. Molder & Br. Samuel Cate & Sister Prissillah Sharp.

August 7th 1802 -- the Church met on the time appointed first -- Rec'd Br. Thomas Jones by Experance -- 2 -- Received Br. John Ruth by Experance -- 3rd. Rec'd Henry Molder by Experance -- 4 -- Rec'd Sister Margaret Mount by Expr. -- 5th -- Rebekah Holloway came forward gave a Relation of the work of God upon hir Soul not Rec'd Because she has two husbands now aLive and is Laid over and sent as a queary to the Association wether Receiving such pursons will not infringe upon the word of God by Paul in the Seventh Romans.

September 11th 1802 -- the Church met it being meeting in Corse -- 1 - Considered the Reforance Left and Considers no such persons to come into the (p. 19) Church -- Rec'd Br. Richards By Experance -- 3 -- Received Br. Thomas Collihan by Experiance -- 4 -- Rec'd Br. Joseph McFarlin by Experiance -- 5th. -- Sister Molter Request a letter & granted.

October 9th 1802 -- the Church met it being meeting in Corse -- 1 -- Rec'd Sister Susanna Mount By Experance -- 2nd. Rec'd Br. Joshua Newman By Experiance -- 3rd. Apointed Sacrament meeting in January -- 4 -- Rec'd Sister Marget Rimonton By Experiance.

November 13th 1802 -- the Church met it being meeting in Corse. 1 -- Rec'd Br. Wm. Mount by Experiance -- 2 -- Rec'd Br. John Lennon by Expr.

December 11th 1802 -- the Church met it Being meeting in Corse -- 1 -- Chose delligates to the Conference Br. Taylor and Br. John Cate Jr. -- 2 -- Rec'd Br. Humphrey Mount by Experiance.

January 8th 1803 -- The Church met it being meeting in course -- furstly Laid Joseph McFarling under sencher of the Church -- 2 -- Appointed deligates Br. John Rylor & Br. John Lennon to site Br. Mcfarlin to the Church -- adjurned till the second Saturday in February the 12th.

(p. 20)

February 12th 1803 -- The Church met it being meeting in Course & after Divine service proceeded to business as follows -- brother Kimbrough Moderator & br. Cate Clerk. First brother Mcfarlin not present Laid over till next Church meeting in Corse. Sister Rhoda Pattern obtained a letter of Dismition & the Clerk to write it -- 3rd. Laid over the matter between br. John Cate & Br. Samuel Cate.

March the 12th 1803 -- the Chruch met it being meeting in Corse -- 1st. -- Considered the Refference Left between br. John Cate & br. Samuel Cate the matter laid over till next meeting -- 2nd. Considered the Refference Left concerning br. McFarlin and has to excommunicate br. Joseph Mcfarlin from the Union of this Church for fighting. 3 -- Rec'd sister Rebecah Elder by experience -- 4 -- Rec'd br. John Hickman by experience -- 5 -- Rec'd sister Mary Carter by experience -- 7 -- Rec'd sister Prudence Forbush by experience.

April the 9th 1803 -- the Church met it being meeting in Corse -- 1 -- Considered t

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