Webmistress' Note: The following history was compiled and written by the Ancient History Class at Rush Strong High School circa 1935. The Student Historians and their Authorities are each listed at the end of this text.
The research and recording of these histories are important not only to document history but also to provide the names and activities of many individuals whose contribution to history might have been otherwise anonymous. This document is possibly the only place their names and contributions have ever been recorded within this county or elsewhere. Through interpolation of this information, the time of writing this text was determined to be after 10 Mar 1936.
The document was preserved by the late Beulah Shults and typed by the late J. B. Malone, October, 1996; it is used here with permission of J. B. Malone. The document has been edited slightly by the Webmistress for grammar and spelling.
Be sure to also read the other part of this document -- History of Rush Strong High School -- available on this Web site.