Bible of Thomas Luther Smith, Deceased
From transcriptions prepared by W. A. Lyle, of Jefferson County, and subsequently typed and published by the Works Progress Administration under the title Jefferson County Bible Records.
Transcribed for this site from the WPA volume by Doris Kinser Fountain. We are extremely grateful to her.
Researchers Note: this is a transcription of a transcription of a transcription. Therefore, every item must be verified through separate sources.
His widow, who
at White Pine, TN, Jefferson Co
Transcription: Oct. 15, 1937
Thomas Luther Smith was born Sept. 28, 1871
Mollie Cannon, his wife, was born at Alpha, Jefferson Co, TN, Oct.
25, 1870
Eula Grace Smith was born Jan. 7, 1898
Festus Ray Smith was born Dec. 18, 1900
Bonnie Mae Smith was born Dec. 27, 1903
Harley Dean Smtih was born Dec. 8, 1910
Mary Love Smith was born April 10, 1914
Thomas Luther Smith and Mollie J. Cannon were married Oct. 16, 1895
Issa J. M. Cannon died Oct. 1835
Isaac A. W. Cannon died April 12, 1840
Sarah Cannon died Nov. 14, 1850
Thomas M. Marion Cannon and Elizabeth Cannon were married on the
7th Oct. 1842