Ran away from the subscriber, living 6 miles north of Dandridge, Jefferson county, East Tennessee, two Negro men – one named George, aged about 28 years, of a tawny color, six feet high, straight and handsomely built, inclining to Roman nose, assuming consequential airs when spoken to: by trade a brick-layer, plasterer and painter, has pretensions as a barber. The other named Lige, aged 26 years, of a black color, six feet high and thickness corresponding with his height. It is believed that they will aim for Nashville, or some point on the Ohio River. I will give $50 for each, if taken out of State or $25, if taken in the State and secured in jail so as I can get them. William Massengill.
Source: Knoxville Register, Wednesday, October 21, 1840
Transcribed by Robert McGinnis and used with permission.