Source: Brownlow's Whig, August 30, 1851
Transcribed and submitted by Debbie Painter
Tribute of Respect, In consequence of the death of Brother Wm. P. Shedden who departed this life at the residence of his father near Dandridge on Monday night, August 5, 1861. At a called meting of Dandridge Divison, No. 253, Sons of Temperance, was convened, and the following preamble and resolutions were adopted.
Whereas it hath pleased our Heavenly Father in his inscrutable and infinitely good knowledge to remove from us our esteemed brother Wm. P. Shedden, a young man of amiable qualities and a most faithful, zealous and worthy Son of Temperance.
Therefore, Resolved, that in the death of bro Shedden this Division has lost one of its brightest ornaments - who was ever ready to administer comfort and relief to the needy, and especially to the sick and distressed. And the commodity an upright and worthy citizen.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the family and friends of the deceased in their affliction, and recommend them to the grace of that God whose cars are ever open to the cries of the distressed.
Resolved, That in testimony of our high regard for the deceased, we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent the family of the deceased - also to the Knoxville Register and Whig for publication.
J.J. Blackburn, W.P, A.R. Blackburn, R.S.