Eighth Circuit Court - Jefferson Co, Tn
Friday morning, 21st July 1820
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Court met according to adjournment
Present the Honorable Samuel Powell, Esquire, Judge
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County 8th Circuit Court July Term, 1820
On this 21st day of July 1820 personally appeared in open court being a court of record (having the power of fine and imprisonment and also having been made a Cout of record by the laws of said State) for the said County, William Hays, aged sixty-three years, 4th day of March last, resident in the County of Jefferson aforesaid, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, declare that he served in the Revolutionary War, as follows:
He enlisted in Bedford County, state of Virginia, under Captain James Dickson, first Virginia regiment, Continental line, Commanded by Colonel Richard Parker, General Muhlenberg’s Brigade and marched under Capt. Dickson to the Western Country against the Cherokee Indians, where he served nine months and eleven days. He afterwards enlisted under Capt. Wm. Cunningham and marched to the Northward and served twelve months, afterwards he served a number of towers/lowers (?) in the Militia and was discharged as stated in his former declaration to which he refers. And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March, 1818, and that I have not since that time, by gift, sale, or in any
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Manner, disposed of my property, or any part therewith intent thereby so to diminish it to bring self within the provision of an act of Congress, "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in land and naval service of the United States, in Revolutionary War" passed on the 18th day of Ma__, 1818, and that I have not, or has any person in __ for me, any property or securities, contracts, or debts to me; nor have I any income other than what contained in the schedule hereto answered and me subscribed
One cow, worth $10.00
nine head of hogs, worth $16.50
2 barshear (?) ploughs, worth $7.00
1 hoe, worth .75
some books, worth $40.00
1 mattock, worth 1.25
2 Axes (?) worth 2.75
1 iron wedge, worth 1.00
1 shot-gun worth 5.00
1 ditto ditto 10.00
(Signed) William Hays
The declarent further states that he is by occupation a farmer and illly able to pursue it, being decrippled in the right arm and left shoulder. He has a wife Nancy, fifty-seven years of age and is infirm, a daughter Mary about twenty-four years of age, enjoys tolerable health. It is therefore considered by the Court that the
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Amount in value of the property exhibited the aforeindexed schedule is $94.25.