Eighth Circuit Court - Jefferson Co, Tn
Wednesday, July 19, 1820
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State of Tennessee
Jefferson County
Jefferson County Circuit Court July term. On this nineteenth day of July, 1820 personally in open court being a court of record (showing the power of fine and imprisonment, and also showing been made a court-of record by the laws of said State), for said County, Charles Kelly aged seventy-one years in
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November last resident in the County of Jefferson aforesaid who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows, that he enlisted in the tenth, North Carolina in Captain James Wilson Company at Hillsborough, North Carolina, on the fourth day of August, 1777, for three years. That Colonel Abraham Sheppard commanded the said Regiment when raised and until the same reached Valley Forge in Pennsylvania when the whole of the North Carolina Regiments was reduced to two and Colonel Thomas Clark took the command of the first Regiment into which this affiant fell, and in Clarks Regiment this affiant was put into the into the Company called Major John Baptist Achs (?) Company and was commanded by Lieutenant Dickenson that he faithfully served the United States, as a Common soldier, part of the time as a sergeant. The last part of the time for which he enlisted except in May last, before his time would have expired at the Charleston, South Carolina, he was taken prisoner by the evening and was detained as a prisoner about fifteen months when he was taken by water to Virginia and marched to Richmond, Virginia, and then discharged in the manner stated in his former declaration to prove which he enlisted a written certificate and accounted for the absence of his discharge by said declaration that he holds and is the person alluded to in an original certificate now in his possession issued.
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by J. C. (?) Calhoun, Secretary of War, No. 15271 as marked dated the 2nd day of October, 1819, making his pension commence on the 23rd day of July 1819 which last date he believes was the date of his declaration which certificate allows this affiant Eight Dollars per month for Revolutionary Services that he never was a pensioner by any other act or certificate. And I do solemnly swear that he is a resident citizen of the United Sates on 18th day of March, 1818, and that I have not since that time by gift, sale, or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby to diminish it or to bring myself within the provision of an act of Congress entitled ___ to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval Service of the United States in the Revolutionary War ___ on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person in trust of me, my property, or securities, contracts, or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto amended and by me subscribed. That of my family resident with me there are three beside myself. To wit, my wife Nancy aged fifty-five years, feeble and infirm, so much so tht she I occasionally unable to labor at all my son Thomas Kelly, aged sixteen years, and my son Abraham, above ten years old, my son Thomas is tolerably healthy and is able to labor as common for his age. Abraham
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Is under common size for his age and occasionally sickly. I am a Farmer by occupation and not able generally to labor much and occasionally by pains unable to labor at all. My property consists of two Horsebeasts, one a horse twenty-one years old, last March, and has a permanent lame worth nothing as this affiant believes but – he raised him and will feed him as long as he lives, if he can the other a mare 16 or 17 years old worth $10, one cow and two year old beasts, the cow worth $10, the yearlings worth $4 each for $8.00, ten or twelve head of small hogs for $12.00. Total of $45. Charles Kelley
It is therefore considered by the Court that the total assets in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is $115 dollars. Court adjourned until tomorrow morning, nine o'clock.
Signed: S. Jones (?)