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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
Research Assistance

Submitted by Bill Holder.

A list of the sales of the Estate of William Holder – Deceased

State of Tenneessee,

Jefferson County,

on the 20th day of January 1831, the following articles belonging to the estate of William Holder, decd. was sold at public sale to the highest bidder, on a credit of 12 months at the dwelling house of the late William Holder in county aforsaid viz.

To William Bettis one rifle gun $8.01
To 1 lott of kitchen ? hip straps 2.77
To Charlotte Holder 1 bed stead .01
To     do       " 1 sorrel broken leg mare 1.78
To     do       " 1 lott of flack .26
To     do       " 2nd lott of flack .26
To     do       " 1 parcel of fodder .26
To William Bettis 1 plowstock .00 1/2
To David Moyrs a lease of land 31.27 1/2
To Charlotte Holder 1 Loom .02
To     do       " some old settin chairs .03
To     do       " 1 water pail .02
To     do       " 1 skillet .28
To     do       " some old books .01
To William Bettis 1 oven .39
To Charlotte Holder 1 Dresser .01 1/2
To William Bettis 1 slay .00 1/2
To     do       " 1 box of Tools .01
To     do       " 1 lot of ???? .06 1/4
To Charlotte Holder 2 beds .05
To     do       " 1 bed .06 1/4
To     do       " 1 box chest .00 1/3
To William Bettis 1 peck measure .15 1/4
To Charlotte Holder 1 Parcel of wheat .01
To     do       " 1 some old cups .00 1/3
To     do       " 1 some old plates .00 1/3
To     do       " 1 bag of wheat .51
To     do       " some flax seed .27
To     do       " 1 bucket of tarr .01 1/3
To     do       " 1 bed .01
To     do       " 1 blanket .26
To     do       " 1 pot .76
To William Bettis 14 Stock Hogs 8.58
To Charlotte Holder 1 pot .03
To     do       " . some geese & ducks 12 1/2
2nd day sales
To Charlotte Holder 1 Flax wheel .12 1/2
To     do       " 1 cow & calf 6.01
To Jeremiah Moyrs 1 cow 5.00
To William Bettis 95 bushel of corn .23cts 21.85

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