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A thriving post village and the capital of Jefferson county, in the eastern part of the State, situated on the right bank of French Broad river, a tributary of the Holston, at the head of steam navigation, 230 miles from Nashville, 32 miles east from Knoxville, and by stage route, 10 miles from New Market.

It was laid out in 1792 on the lands of Francis Dean, but its settlement and establishment, as a village, dates from about the year 1800. It possesses an active trade and contains the usual county buildings, a Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian church, a male and female Academy, one Masonic lodge, one banking institution, the "Dandridge Bank," B. F. McFarland, president, Wm. Harris, cashier; capital $50,000, secured by deposit of State bonds with comptroller; also, six general stores, several flouring and saw mills, one carding machine, two fanning mill manufacturers, three hotels, with numerous and varied trades and professions. Population 800. Post office established in 1806. William D. Fain, Postmaster.

County Officers:

Sheriff Wm. Province
Deputies N. B. Swann
Isaac Alderson
S. M. D. Thomas
Circuit Court Clerk S. McCaustian [McCuistion]
Chancery Court Clerk & Master John D. Thomas
County Court Clerk Jas. M. Nicholson
County Register John Haynes
Justice of the Peace David Eudailey

District Officers:

Justices of the Peace David Grant
B. F. Franklin

Village Officers:

Justice of the Peace Jas. Fuller
Trustee H. J. Dick

Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc.

Bailey, Wm. water saw mill
Bane, Joseph tin and sheet iron ware
Baumer, H. M. T. water flouring mill
Bowman, Hiram mill manufacturer
Bradford & Inman general merchants
Brazelton Lodge Masonic
Brown, Jesse W. chair manufacturer
Cline, John W. druggist
Cline, Jos. water saw mill
Cook, L. & J. milliners and dress makers
Cook, Wm. H. dentist
Corbit, S. I. & N. B. water saw mill
Cowan, Benj. water flouring mill
Cox, James wagon maker
Cox, John chair manufacturer
Crookshanks, G. C. general merchant
Crookshanks, G. M & A. C. physicians
Dandridge Bank capital $50,000 - B. F. McFarland, president - Wm. Harris, cashier
Dandridge Female Academy Mrs. Ann Hynds, principal
Dean, W. W. tailor
Dick, H. J. hide and leather dealer
Dobbins, Abner daguerreotypist
Eudailey, David justice of the peace
Evans, R. planter
Evans, Thomas planter
Evans, Wm. planter
Fain, Geo. A. planter
Fain, I. W. & Co. hide and leather dealers
Fain, Josiah cabinet maker
Fain, S. N. planter
Fain, Wm. D. planter
Fain, Wm. D. & S. N. blacksmiths
Fain & Hill water flouring and saw mills
Fain & Welding carding machines
Fains & King general merchants [see ad below]
Foland, V. gunsmith
Franklin, I. W. R. planter
Franklin, L. D. planter
Fuller, Jas. justice of the peace
Gaines, F. H. physician
Gass, J. A. blacksmith
Hall, Stephen A. saddle and harness maker
Harris, Wm. cashier, Dandridge Bank
Hawkins, Wm. attorney at law
Headuck, Jos. W. planter
Headrick, Wm. chair manufacturer
Hill, Robert D. carpenter
Hill, R. D. & J. N. painters
Hood, Rev. N. Presbyterian
Hynds, Ann Mrs. principal, Dandridge Female Academy
Inman, S. W. water saw mill
Inman & Crookshanks general merchants
Inman & Hamilton general merchants
Jones & Gammon grocers
Lamb, James B. blacksmith
Law, Ann Miss music teacher at Female Academy
Lester, James boot and shoe maker
McCampbell, Wm. attorney at law
McDaniel, John wagon maker
McElroy, John M. daguerreotypist
McFarland, B. F. president of Dandridge Bank
McGuire, John clocks, jewelry &c.
Manning, Wm. Rev. Baptist
Meek, Adam K. tailor
Mitchell, James hotel proprietor
Mitchell & Hill saddle and harness makers
Moore, Wm. A. planter
Neff, David water saw mill
Nicholson, James M. surveyor
Nooncasser, John potter
Potts, A. J. potter
Province, A. T. M. marble worker
Raywood, _____ [sic] physician
Reece, Wm. boot and shoe maker
Reeves, James boot and shoe maker
Reneau, Lewis chair manufacturer
Rice, Jonathan saddle and harness maker
Rudczinski, I. E. clocks, jewelry &c.
Scarlet, Abraham pump maker
Seabolt, John & George brick yard
Shank, John H. brick yard
Simpson, C. W. physician
Snoddy & Moore general merchants
Swann & Pogue attorneys at law
Thomas, John D. attorney at law
Thomas, Reuben hotel proprietor
Tumley, J. C. planter
Wiseman, Wm. daguerreotypist
Wiseman & Co. hide and leather dealers
Woodsides, James cabinet maker
Woodward, E. A. Rev. Methodist

Fains & King

Dandridge, Tenn.
have just received from Philadelphia and New York, a general assortment of Seasonable Staple and Fancy

Dry Goods

Queensware, Hardware, Groceries, Cutlery, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs and Medicines, Pefumery [sic], Paints, Dye Stuffs, Cotton Yarns, Nails, &c.,
with nearly every article wanted by the people, all of which will be sold at the very lowest prices. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere.


An important post village of Jefferson county, in the eastern part of the State, situated on Turkey creek, a tributary of Holston river, and on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad, 42 miles north-east from Knoxville, and about 250 miles east from Nashville.

It contains a Baptist and Methodist church, and an Academy, one Masonic lodge, one weekly newspaper -- the Religious Intelligencer, published by Neal & Barnett, and issued on Friday -- five general stores and one drug store, one steam flouring and grist mill, two hotels, and varied trades and professions. Village population 500. District 1,500. Post office established in 1834. C. M. Witt, Postmaster.

Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc.

Ames, _____ [sic] steam flouring and grist mill
Brown, J. A. harness and saddle maker
Caniger, M. boot and shoe dealer
Caniger, M. & Bro. harness and saddle makers, and hide and leather dealers
Caniger, M. & Bro. general merchants
Cannon, Wm. carpenter and builder
Carson, W. N. physician and surgeon
Carson, W. N. agent Adams Express Co.
Clyne, J. W. druggist
Cocke, Read & Co. general merchants
Donaldson, A. J. justice of peace
East Tennessee and Virginia R. R. C. M. Witt, Agent
Evans, F. tailor
Lea, Pryor M. carpenter and builder
Ledbetter, S. L. painter
Milburn, Rev. Jos. Methodist
Miller, John H. carpenter and builder
Miller, J. McKee painter
Mims, J. M. general merchant
Minick, Rowe & Co. carriage and wagon makers
Moore, J. B. clothing dealer
Moore, J. B. tailor and sewing machine agent
Morris, D. & Co. general merchants
Morristown Hotel J. F. Noe, prop'r
Morristown Masonic Lodge No. 231
Neal & Barnett book and job printers, and publishers of Religious Intelligencer
Nicodemus, J. W. blacksmith
Noe, J. F. prop'r, Morristown Hotel
Parker, J. B. architect and builder
Phillips, J. E. brick yard
Posey, A. architect and builder
Religious Intelligencer Neal & Barnett, publishers
Rhoton & Fulton physicians and surgeons
Riggs, C. justice of peace
Riggs House Mrs. Sarah Riggs, proprietress
Riggs & Welch boot and shoe makers
Robertson, J. E. physician and surgeon
Rowe, George & Co. blacksmiths
Russell, D. F. boot and shoe maker
Sawyers & Jackson general merchants
Taylor, Rev. H. W. Baptist
Witt, C. M. Agent, East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad

Mossy Creek

A thriving post village of Jefferson county, in the eastern part of the State, about 210 miles east from Nashville.

New Market

A flourishing post village of Jefferson county, in the eastern part of the State, pleasantly situated on the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, in a fertile and very productive valley, 25 miles east northeast from Knoxville, and about 200 miles east from Nashville. It is the seat of Holston College, a flourishing institution, chartered in 1832, and also contains a female institute, and various trades and professions.

Strawberry Plains

A thriving post village of Jefferson county in the eastern part of the State, situated on the south side of Holston river, and on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad, north-west from Dandridge, the capital of the county, and near its northwestern extremity, 18 miles north-east from Knoxville, and nearly 200 miles east from Nashville.

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