This is a list of individuals who have preserved the history of Jefferson County over the years. The list is a work in progress.
In Memoriam
- Rev. Reuel Pritchett
- Jean Patterson Bible - for more than 30 years was the foremost authority on Jefferson County. Her newspaper columns and books are an excellent resource.
- Jessie Burl Malone
- Miriam Whitaker - prior to her death, collected a wealth of New Market historical information
- Dr. Estle Muncy - appointed in 1995
- Bob Jarnagin was appointed County Historian in 2006. He has become the recognized authority on Jefferson County land grants and early land owners. He is very active in the Dandridge Historic Trust and keeps the old records for Hopewell Presbyterian Church. Bob welcomes historians who call at his office across just half-a-block east of the Courthouse (H. B. Jarnagin & Co., PO Box 39, Dandridge 37725; phone 865-397-3421).
- David C. "Cleve" Smith is the de facto expert on the county's Civil War history. He can be contacted by mail (please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope) at 1173 Mountainview Drive, New Market, TN 37820. His book, Campaign to Nowhere is required reading for those with Civil War interests in Jefferson County.
- Pete Wyatt, proprietor of Lost Creek Bottle Farm, has a vast knowledge of, and a collection of artifacts from, the New Market Train Wreck.