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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
About Jefferson County

Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions about Jefferson County Research

Question: Is Dandridge really the second-oldest town in Tennessee?
Answer: It depends on the source and the benchmark being used. Dandridge's government was formed in 1783. Its claim to be the second-oldest city was disputed by a former county historian, but the subject is open to debate.

Question: Where did Dandridge get its name?
Answer: Dandridge, the county seat, was named for George Washington's beloved wife, Martha Dandridge Custis Washington. It is the only city in the United States that bears that name.

Question: Are the first two volumes of Stories in Stone (cemetery transcriptions) available?
Answer: They are currently out-of-print. The Jefferson County Genealogical Society has talked about reprinting them.

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