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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
Research Assistance

Family Bible Record of the Descendants of Joseph & Sarah (Pangle) Long

Donated to the Jefferson County Archives, Dandridge, TN, by Clarence Reese.  Published 1830 by American Bible Society, NY.  Record pages are loose and appear to have been torn from another book; pages were blank, probably flyleaves.  They have suffered extreme damage.  Transcribed by Billie R. McNamara, 1995.

Joseph LONG Departed this the 6th day of Oct 1862

Sarah LONG Departed this life 18th day of Aug 1866

Luther A. LONG Departed This life 18th day of Aug 1864 (?)

Altamar LONG Departed This life 14th day of Apr 1846

John COURTNEY Departed This life 4th day of July 1866 (?)

Joseph LONG was Born ? th January 1795

Joseph LONG and Sarah PANGLE was Married 22nd Oct 1816 --

James H LONG was Borne 6th August 1819 --

Letha A LONG was Born 4th March 1822 --

Martha E LONG was Born 2nd December 1823 --

John M LONG was Born 28th Feb 1828 --

Altamera LONG was Born 11th May 1830

Martha Lucasa LONG was Born ? 2nd 1856

William R. LONG was Born the 18th Sept 1858

William R. LONG Departed this Life the 25th day of Decr 1858

Joseph C LONG was born the 27 of November 1859

Martha Ann Eliza LONG was Born 26th March 1845

J. M COURTNEY was Born 22nd May 1845

L. A. COURTNEY was Born 26th Oct. 1846

Sarah O LONG was Born 4th July 1849 --

James W. LONG was Born 24th Sept 1851 --

Mary A M LONG was Born 3rd of Novr. 1853 --

Vana Cornelia LONG was Born the 10th day of Febr 1856

W. J. M. LONG was Born the [remainder faded]

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